Monday, 3 May 2010

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract or address your audience?

The best way to attract and address an audience is by getting word of your film out into society and letting it spread like wildfire. You need to make the public aware of your film, which you can do this several ways.

A way to alert the public of the upcoming film is by posting news on a social website. Sites like facebook and twitter are becoming increasingly popular within society so can appeal to a wider audience. This is especially true for our media with the main age group of social network site users mostly being teenagers our target audience. To see how our video was recieved and to see whether we attracted our target audience we posted our video on the network site Facebook with the hope to gain a large amount of feedback. We recieved numerous 'likes' of the film and several promosing comments from not only our target age group but from people younger and older! This shows how our product can be universally liked, meaning its popular and will sell well.

During the research stage of our media we found that existing products use Posters and Flyers etc to get word of the film out onto the streets. A poster is very easy, quick and cheap to make so can be made on a mass scale. They can be placed in very key spots so that they will be seen by a large amount of people. The poster needs to obviously make the film look appealing to there target group and to other groups, when one person knows of an upcoming film and it is appealing to them they will tell other people allowing word to spread on its own. Other than attract people to look at it what a good poster should have is reviews of the film by various reputable critics. This allows the audience to trust in the film and lust to see it more boosting sales. Another good thing to include on a poster is if there are any reputable actors involved in the film its best to hae there names boldly on the poster so that it looks attracting to possible viewers.

Another way to advertise a film is through trailers. This is possibly the best way to advertise something what with the huge viewing figures some channels have allowing more people to see it. What a good film trailer does is grab the audience straight away, regularly using catchy music that sticks with the person, and short fast clips making the film look exciting.

Obviously what with us being restricted to only making the opening sequence to a film we were unable to make any of these marketing campaigns but i believe that the thriller genre allows for a wide audience and an appealing campaign.

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